Tag: Mommy Wars
Evolving Past the Mommy Wars: How I’m Becoming my Truer Parenting...
The mommy wars.
For so long, I deeply engaged in them.
They made me think I was a better mother and sent me into...
Introvert Mama’s Guide To Surviving the Mom Wars
"Mom Wars" got you down?
The best part of being an Introvert Mama is that I am totally comfortable both with navel gazing and with...
Top Five Reasons I’m a Terrible Parent According to Facebook
My first-time-preggo friend recently asked me, "What was the biggest surprise you got when you became a mom?" It's a loaded question. There are...
Opinions: When Do They Cross the Line into Being Judgmental?
We all know the internet can be a breeding ground for opinions and judgments. We even have social media to share our immediate opinions...
How To End The Mommy Wars
It’s easy to upset people when writing for a mom’s blog. We talk about mommy wars and how we all want to lift each other...
In defense of internet comments
Alternate title: Thank you "concern trolls."
The. Comments. Section.
Is it a new horror movie for the internet age? The new Wild Wild West? A lawless,...
Time to Confess
Let me start by saying MJ is deep in the “threeanger” phase.
He is independent when he wants to be, totally needy other times, throwing...
Mommy Wars: My Full Disclosure
“Mommy Wars… what?”
That was my reaction a few months ago after a blog post (from scarymommy) that I read that had several negative comments attacking...
The Five Reasons You’re Probably a Better Mom than I am…...
Sometimes as moms we question our abilities. We compare ourselves to other moms, our families to other families, our lives to the lives of...
Every Mom is a (Hard) Working Mom
In my almost seven years as a mother now, I have been every "kind" of mom I can think of in terms of career....
Why Is This Happening?
The year was 1983 and I was in the first grade. I was so excited for show-and-tell that day, and I let a few...