Nancy Sunderland
Perspectives in Parenting: I’m Glad I Don’t Have Babies
I'm glad I don't have babies anymore.
Or toddlers for that matter. Actually, I am profoundly grateful. Don't get me wrong, I love babies. I had five of them, after all. And now, every time I...
Stuff Moms Say, or at Least, Stuff I Say
The other day, I happened upon a blog post with a title that was just beckoning me to click.
It was "S*it Moms Say." I know. I fell prey to click bait. It happens. I...
On Being “Okay” with Unkempt
As another school year is upon us, and as the annual "ice cream social" at our local elementary school looms, I reflect upon the last couple weeks of academia past. Maybe summer vacation wasn't...
Fashion Trends? I Can’t Even
I'm a child of the 80s. Fashion trends were both preposterous and severe. I'm a survivor.
I survived jelly shoes, hammer harem pants, tapered, cuffed, acid-washed, high-waisted jeans, banana clips, crimped and teased hair, and...
I weaned myself off SSRIs and survived
I'm a mom who has struggled on and off with a deluge of mental health issues for quite some time.
16 years ago I was diagnosed with depression at a VA clinic in Fort Ethan...
Finding Yourself by Stripping Down
Who am I?
Sometimes I just want to be me again. (Or was I ever even her?) I have lost her along the way. I thought I was doing a good job at trying to...
If The World Hates You
“I am signing off from Facebook for a while, starting this evening, please PM me for my email/cell before 9pm this evening if interested in getting a hold of me. Also, I'm planning to...
Life Through The Camera Lens
The year was 2008. I was seven months pregnant with our fourth daughter and we were on our "Babymoon". My husband and I spent three magical days in Cozumel at a little bed and...
Contentment in the Crazy
I’m looking for a hole to crawl into and cry.
Allergies are really kicking my but this season.
Deadlines upon deadlines, both coming up and being missed.
Five kids in two different schools, early morning buses to...
Math With Kids
1 + 2 = 3
Three is a tough number. I didn't need a parenting book to tell me that. I lived it every time we visited my Aunt Monique's house in Quebec City. My...
Lice Happens
Growing up our family never had the misfortune of experiencing lice. I pitied the few that did from afar. There was a stigma attached to lice which we all know: it only happens to...
5 Reasons It’s OK for Motherhood To Totally Suck Sometimes
Tantrums are a thing. The phase will not pass quickly. Siblings bicker, pinch, tickle, kick, spit, fight, tease, taunt, and tattle. Incessant whining can become a sport. Loudness happens. Privacy disappears. Parental alliances are...
I Draw The Line: 5 Ways to Get More Balance in Your Life
I Walk the Line
by Johnny Cash
“I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
I keep my eyes wide open all the time
I keep the ends out for the tie that binds
Young Mom, I love you.
I was a young mom.
My first child was born a few days after my 22nd birthday. Four months after completing my time in the military and moving back to my home-state of Vermont, I began my...