Tag: humor

Procrastination: In My Case, It’s Become A Disease

Hi, my name is Amanda and since I’ve had children, ‘procrastination’ has become my middle name. More specifically, I have what I like to...

Laundry Wars: Why Mine is Never Completely Done

I have a love/hate relationship with laundry. I love that all I have to get it washed is toss it in the machine.  It’s just so...

Moms Reflect on Parenting: No One Told Me THIS About Motherhood

I remember a conversation I had with someone before I. I said the entered the ranks of motherhood. I knew I'd be tired, I knew...

Married with Children: If We Get Divorced, I’ll Have to Kill...

Before my husband and I married, I remember caring if my hair was parted the right way, if my teeth were white enough, and...

Holiday Carols for Parents: ‘Tis the Season for Laughter

Are you sick of "Deck The Halls"? Can't stand "The Twelve Days of Christmas" one day longer? Well, here are some holiday carols just...

Ten Things I Learned While Taking My Children’s Holiday Photos

Every year, I become excited about dressing my kids in festive clothing and capturing perfect holiday photos for our Christmas card. You know exactly what I...

Holiday Fails From Your Burlington, VT Moms Blog Writers

Well, the season of holiday fails is upon us, friends. The pressure to cook, create, and concoct amidst time constraints and cranky in-laws apparently...

10 Not-So-Obvious Things I am Thankful for as a Mom

Oh, November. A time when, in theory, we reflect on all we are thankful for.  A couple of years ago, some of my Facebook...

Geek Files, or Why I Want My Kids to Be Proud...

I’m a proud geek. Have been all my life. In high school, I was the kid who spent her free time and study...

Five “Delicious” Things My Toddler Ate Today

Like many parents, I strive to buy and prepare fresh, healthy local meals for my kids. Don’t get me wrong, there are still nights...

How Motherhood Ruined My Dreams… As Illustrated by Snapchat Selfies

Not, like, dreams of being a beauty pageant queen or an astronaut. No, motherhood just ruined my sleepy-time dreams. When I was in college, I...

Stuff Moms Say, or at Least, Stuff I Say

The other day, I happened upon a blog post with a title that was just beckoning me to click. It was "S*it Moms Say." I...

Ten Questions I Wish I Could Ask My Kids, But Can’t

Kids are mysteries, aren't they? The following are 10 questions I wish I could ask my two: 1. Why do you hand me the chewed up...

When My No Good, Very Bad, Ridiculous Day… Wasn’t Terrible

Last year, I had a no good, very bad, ridiculous day with my daughter. But... it actually wasn't terrible. Here's how it started: I was off...