We’ve been desperate to come up with some new, fun indoor games during these summer storms and too-hot
days. Lately, my two-year-old daughter is really into playing with paper and drawing, so I thought it’d be fun if we created our own mailbox.
Of course, you can do this with any old box, but we found that we had a lot of K-Cup boxes laying around, yet to be recycled, that worked perfectly for this purpose — especially since she just likes to sit and send me “letters” over and over while I receive them and act as surprised as I possibly can.
At this age, she mainly just scribbles, so I thought it was fun to open her messages and pretend to read something funny out loud, like, “There are 3 alligators being delivered to our house tomorrow ” or “I would like to have more broccoli at dinner tonight.”
To Make the Box:
I opened the K-Cup box, tearing off the back as usual, so we could easily remove our notes and letters on that side.
Then, I opened the top flap and folded it down for a mail slot. I had to tear it a little to widen the opening so letters would more easily fit through.
You can get as creative as you like with this — decorate or add a flag.
I also cut her a pile of scrap paper to use that was the perfect size to fit through the opening and gave her some old stickers to use as stamps.
We’ve already gotten hours of play out of this mailbox!