Creation of a Costume – Final in Series


Two days and counting!  Halloween is almost here and when last I wrote I was in a painting dilemma for Aden’s Bumblebee costume.

Crisis averted!  Like a bolt of lightning from the sky came the idea that would save my son’s Halloween.  You could see the proverbial “light bulb” go on over my head.  And like that, poof, I had the answer to my problem.  DUCT TAPE!  The tape that holds the world together now holds my son’s costume together as well.  Actually it doesn’t really hold the costume together, that’s the hot glue, but it does act as a faux paint job.

Starting to come together!

I can remember when Duct Tape started coming out in colors not that long ago.  I thought to myself that’s just silly why would you need to have utility tape in fashion colors and prints?  Well Duck Brand Duct Tape, I’m a believer now.  Because I am a much better taper than I am a painter.

This past Saturday we took Aden out to the Church Street trick or treat event.  I was a little weary that he would actually want to wear the costume any longer than 10 minutes but to my pleasant surprise he wore it the entire time.  Now the thing just has to hold up through 2 different pre-school parades and the big night itself.

I had such a blast with Aden today out there on Church Street.  Watching him walk around in a Shannon Ly original (haha!), I confess, it made me walk a little taller as a Mom.  It put a memory in my heart, a memory of accomplishment.  But also a memory of a little boy with the biggest smile on his face and joy in his heart.  I’d tackle any project just for that!

The finished product!
Bumblebee the fighter!



  1. And it looked AMAZING! He was definitely in character when I saw him the other day! You should win a costume award for that. I mean, working lights and everything!


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