Tag: c-section
Healing Emotional Birth Trauma From A Cesarean Section
Some women plan their births like a wedding, imaging the beautiful, spiritual experience years before conception. Like any experience with high expectations, we may...
Confronting My High Risk Pregnancy with a Tube of Toothpaste
My second pregnancy was high risk but it took me more than a year to confront and internalize that rather basic fact. I acquired...
Healing Scar: the surprising empowerment of a c-section
I’ve always defined the word “scar” as the visible mark left by a wound or injury. But the dictionary defines it as “the mark...
This House is Clear: The Healing Process of my Second C-Section
Okay, so, never in a million years did I ever think that I would be writing that having a second C-section would be a...
Why ICAN and Why I Know You Can, Too
April is host to numerous important awareness campaigns- autism, cancer control, child abuse prevention, and frogs to name a few. It is also National...
Journey To Motherhood: A Surgical Birth, Part 2: Being Heard
When I became pregnant with my second baby, I knew from the start that I wanted a VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Cesarian). After much...
Journey to Motherhood: A Surgical Birth-When the Plan Goes Astray
By now, you may have read about some of the struggles and challenges other women have faced getting and staying pregnant. My husband and I...