My Postpartum Must Haves


Postpartum recovery can be rough. Especially when there are so many demands on your time and energy as a new momma and we are often just struggling to get enough sleep and rest to make it through each day.

This being my second child, I’ve picked up a few things along the way that have helped me make a smooth transition as I navigate the postpartum period, and I thought I would share them with all of you.


1. Help- This is one of the biggest things that needs to be emphasized for new moms. Accept help. I know this can be hard for us to do, but this is the time that you really need it the most. Let someone cook for you, watch your other kiddos, or clean up the house. Accept that extra help around the house from your spouse or take that extra nap when you can sneak it in. I just read a great blog post the other day about this over at Finding Joy. She says it better than I ever could.

2. Herbal Sitz Bath- This is super helpful for postpartum recovery, especially if you have any type of tear. I got might from Purple Shutter Herbs over in Winooski, but I know you can find it other places like this one by Earth Mamma Organics. This really helps calm and sooth and you can also take it with your newborn, which is a lovely experience!

3. Postpartum Care Pads- I was given this suggestion by a friend, and just had another momma share with me that she used this same thing to help sooth postpartum pains. This feels amazing and helps with that lovely burning we all experience.

Overnight/Jumbo maxi pads
1/4 cup Witch hazel
2-3 drops Lavender oil
1 Tbsp Pure Aloe Vera gel
Aluminum foil

Combine witch hazel, lavender essential oil, and aloe vera gel in a small bowl and mix till thoroughly combined. Transfer to a small spray bottle. Unfold each pad, and spray each pad with the healing mixture till the pad is damp, but not soaked. Wrap each pad in foil and store them in the freezer. Witch hazel and lavender are natural astringents, so they’ll help reduce swelling, and the aloe and the cold are very soothing.

4. Blessed Birthing Blend of Essential Oils- These are wonderful! I got this from Lunaroma in Burlington and used it during my labor and delivery. I was told that it is also helpful for balancing hormones post birth, so I’ve continued to use it. I find it very calming. I either dab some on my wrist or drop some in a bath.

5. A great lactation consultant- This one is key. I struggled with breastfeeding my first little one, so I made an appointment right away following this birth. She was wonderful and helped me figure out the best hold for little Maggie as well as address some latch issues we were having. Timberlane Pediatrics has lactation consultants that you can see in their offices, or you can seeks out the La Leche League to find one near you.

6. Mother’s Milk Tea- I purchased some Mother’s Milk Tea ahead of time, in anticipation of a low milk supply from The Bulk Herb Store online.

7. A great nipple cream- I’ve enjoyed the Boobe Ease  nipple cream I discovered at Babies R Us. I like that it is all natural and it feels great and not to heavy, like that Lanolin cream. I had severe cracked nipples at the beginning when we were still working on our latch, so my lactation consultant suggested Triple Nipple Cream. All I’ll say is it worked wonders 🙂

What about you mommas? What are your postpartum must haves??


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