BurlingtonVT Moms Blog is partnering with Vermont Midwives Association to bring you our latest series titled “How I Became a Mother” in honor of Mother’s Day. Each of us has a unique journey on how we got here…here being in this crazy thing called motherhood. Some of us have grown our families through adoption, some through donor sperm. Some of us have struggled with infertility while others of us have needed to rely on faith and science. Bringing a child into this world is no less than miraculous regardless of how it’s done. These next two weeks we want to share with you the stories of how we became mothers, to let you know that no two families are born the same. Join us on this journey as we celebrate Moms!
Daily Imagery
When I agreed to write for the How I Became a Mother series I hadn’t given it much thought, honestly. But then when I did start thinking about it, I realized I have NO. IDEA. None.
Did I become a mother with my first positive pregnancy test? With the loss before my son was born? When the nurses put a boy with impossibly dark hair on my chest? Or the girl who stopped crying the instant we locked eyes for the first time? Or does it go even further back? Did I become a mother the first time I played house and shoved a blanket under my shirt? Or when I fell asleep as my own mother played with my hair during a family movie night?
I decided that the answer is yes. To all of it. All of these things are how I became a mother. And I become a mother, again, every day. Every time I wake up and have these two amazing people in my life – I am a mother. It’s the day-to-day. The meals and the messes and the triumphs and frustrations and love and tears and kisses and all of it – they all make us mothers.
yes – that video shows what being a mom is about 🙂
Absolutely beautiful!