I hate fall. I am apparently the only basic mom out there that despises the cooler air, changing leaves, chunky sweaters, and pumpkin spice anything. But, I’ll tell ya what. There is one thing about fall that I do enjoy. That is cuddling up on the couch with my family and some hot chocolate, popcorn, and blankets to watch some of our fall family movie night favorites.
Here is a list of movies for the kids, for the whole family, or just for you and your boo to enjoy this fall at family movie night!
For the Kids
Curious George: A Halloween BooFest- On Demand (free rental)- This is number one on the list because it is #1 in our house. Big “Monkey George” (as my kids call him) fans over here. It’s cute and not too long. If you’d like a personal oration on the “Legend of No Noggin,” hit me up.
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving- On Demand (rent or buy)- This brings me back to my childhood hard. We used to watch this short and sweet film every year and my father lovingly nicknamed myself and each of my siblings after the characters. He still texts me to let me know when it is airing on network TV. If you can’t wait for the air date, you can rent or buy it On Demand.
Casper- On Demand (free)- Childhood memories. And, my kids love it, too. Who doesn’t love a cute friendly Ghost?
Coraline- Netflix- Some kids love this movie, but it may be scary for others. The spooky animation may make your kids feel like they are getting away with watching a movie for much older kids. This is a great pick for strong-willed little ones as it focuses on resourcefulness, determination, and bravery.
Frankenweenie- On Demand (free)- We had a hard time getting into this one, but it’s slowly grown on my children (plus it’s free and we don’t turn our noses up at free movies in this house). It’s a Tim Burton film, so you know it’s both creepy and good.
For the Whole Family
Beetlejuice- On Demand (rent or buy)- I just saw this for the first time last fall at an outdoor family movie night in town. It’s part spooky, part goofy and the whole family will be entertained. It will also give you the total Vermont fall feel with the covered bridges and old architecture (it was filmed in VT) even if it is supposed to take place in Connecticut.
Nightmare Before Christmas- On Demand (rent or buy)- My kids love this movie and it’s one I can actually sit through, too. You can also extend this one right through to Christmas (if your kids are like mine and watch the same movie on repeat for months at a time).
Harry Potter- On Demand (rent or buy)- I am not a Harry Potter fan. I’m not opposed to it, I just think I missed the Harry Potter window by a few years, so I never read the books or saw the movies. Then, my kids came home from school asking to watch. So, we rented the first one. I fell asleep before it ended but I could probably get into it if I had to. I do know, however, that for many, watching Harry Potter with their kids is a rite of passage. Why not watch this fall?
Ghostbusters- On Demand (rent or buy)- My kids love all things Ghostbusters: the cartoons, the movies, and the toys. Luckily, my husband and I also love Ghostbusters and we’ll sit through the whole original movie with them. We also love the new remake! There are a few laughs for parents that the kids won’t get and the clothes and effects in the original are terribly (wonderfully) ‘80s. Plus, Bill Murray is basically one of our favorite actors.
Hocus Pocus- On Demand (free)- Tons of Halloween fun in this one. The three witches are still fan favorites, Bette Midler, SJP, and Kathy Najimy. Bust out this classic and share it with your kids.
Adults Only
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles- on Demand (free)- This is an absolute family favorite since I was growing up. Who doesn’t love John Candy and Steve Martin? It definitely won’t hold the attention of the littles, so save this for after bedtime.
Scream- On Demand (free)- Flashback to middle school! And one of my most favorite teen heartthrobs. It’s not your typical scary movie, it’s also sort of a comedy… which keeps it entertaining. Way too much blood to watch with the little kiddos, though.
Halloween- On Demand (free)- CLASSIC. Need I say more?
The Craft- On Demand (free)- Who didn’t watch this at a middle school sleepover in the ‘90s? Reminisce and watch it this fall snuggled up to your significant other with some Hot Toddies. Date Night!
Sleepy Hollow- On Demand (free)- All the New England fall feels right here with this classic family movie night favorite. A timeless story about murder and mystery; this movie has it all. Plus Johnny Depp, can’t forget about him.
What are your family’s favorite movies to watch in the fall?