Cedar Wood Natural Health Center is located in South Burlington and specializes in chiropractic care, applied kinesiology and nutritional therapy. The Center is run by two chiropractic doctors, Dr. Suzy Harris and Dr. Michelle Sabourin. I recently went there to get a Nutritional Response Test (NRT). A what? you may ask. I will tell you, but let me start at the beginning…
The First Appointment
I arrived at the office not quite knowing what to expect, but the staff was warm and welcoming. On the table in the waiting area they had a binder of testimonials from happy clients who had found relief from ailments such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, painful menstrual cramps, lack of energy, stomach/digestion issues, allergies, mood issues, blood sugar fluctuation and more. Since I was there for Nutritional Response Testing I was pleased to see a binder of healthy recipes on the waiting table too.
After filling out some basic health information forms detailing any chronic health complaints I had, Dr. Suzy’s assistant Emily, brought me into the treatment room. We discussed what I had put on my forms and how Nutrition Response Testing works. She then administered a test, which was no more invasive than getting your blood pressure taken, to measure my body’s neurological reflexes. The nervous system helps regulate your organ, gland, joint, and muscle functions.
Next Dr. Suzy came in and did some muscle testing to look for weaknesses in my body that can indicate a “blockage” or sensitivity to chemical or microbial stresses. Once again this was done in a very non-invasive way. All I had to do was hold up my arm and resist her pushing it down. Based on where she finds muscle weakness she then determines what course of treatment to pursue. Treatments include diet changes and nutritional supplements to clear the blockages and restore normal body functions. I was given a sheet of paper to log what I ate during the week before my next appointment.
I will admit, and Dr. Suzy acknowledges, that there is a lot of information to take in at the initial appointment. Dr. Suzy provided a folder with more information explaining the process for me to take home, and she also offers courses on Nutrition Response Testing and Applied Kinesiology to help patients understand it.
The Second Appointment
At my second appointment I got a report summarizing what course of treatment Dr. Suzy thought would best help me. It included a schedule of visits and nutritional supplements. We also went through my food journal. There’s nothing quite like a food journal to make you realize that perhaps you don’t eat as well as you think you do! Dr. Suzy was very helpful in pointing out things that I was already doing well and gave me an incremental approach to improve my eating, which would further support my work with her. She explained how she and her staff support your diet changes by helping you find appropriate foods and recipes to improve your health. She was good at answering my questions about the process, what to expect, the cost, and how soon I could expect results.
Bottom Line
Cedar Wood Natural Health Center provides a holistic alternative for people who have health concerns or chronic conditions that have not been addressed adequately by conventional doctors and medicines and want to get at the underlying issues causing their condition. Nutritional Response Testing (which can be combined with more traditional chiropractic care when needed) takes a whole body approach to physical ailments. By following Dr. Suzy’s program that she customizes for you, clients can relearn how to listen to their body and provide their body with the nutrients it needs to heal itself. Cedar Wood also offers free courses on how to eat healthier and feel better for adults and children. Food is medicine!
To Learn More: Upcoming Open House
When: Saturday, February 8th
Where: Cedar Wood Natural Health Center, 20 Joy Drive, South Burlington, VT
Cedar Wood Natural Health Center is celebrating their new space by having a day of wellness and knowledge to nourish your body, mind, and spirit!
Bring your friends and enjoy chair massage, Eco Bean and Juice, Evolution Herbals, have a chiropractic assessment with Dr. Michelle, meet the new practitioners in the office offering Chinese Medicine and Energy Medicine Healing, and more!
There will also be a raffle to benefit Hunger Free VT! and free gift bags for the first 30 people who attend. For the full flyer click here.
More positives
One of the first questions I asked when I called to make my first appointment was “Can my kids come with me?” The answer was a welcoming yes. For a stay at home mom this is so wonderful because it makes going to appointments so much easier when you don’t have to scramble for childcare. The staff were very friendly to my kids and there was a basket of toys in the waiting area. The kids were allowed to take the whole basket of toys in with me to see Dr. Suzy. Both appointments were about an hour (not all visits are that long once you start your plan) but the kids did great. Both Emily and Dr. Suzy were very friendly and helped make my kids feel comfortable. At my first visit I saw plenty of other parents with babies and young children in the waiting room.
Dr. Suzy called me a few days after my initial appointment to ask if I had any further questions. I think that is very considerate since NRT can be difficult for a first-time patient to understand.