Boys, boys, boys


The build up is finally over.  This past week we found out the sex of baby number two…


It’s a boy!

When I was pregnant with Aedan, most of my friends and family were convinced it would be a girl.  This time around, many thought for sure it was a girl.  Even I believed it might be true.  This pregnancy has been so very different than with Aedan.  Of course, that could mean something or nothing at all.  Who really knows, anyway?!

It has been funny to see people’s reactions when you tell them the sex.  Some people hesitantly asked me if I was okay with another boy.  For me, all that matters is that he is healthy and born full term.  I’m completely thrilled Aedan will have a little brother close in age.  I hope they will be good friends and great brothers.  I think there is something special about the relationship of siblings and I’m looking forward to watching them grow up together.

I must admit, being pregnant with my second child has been a very different experience than with the first.  I was always completely in tune with every little detail of my first pregnancy.  I even knew the fruit of the week!  This time, I’ve been so busy with looking after the child that is in front of me that I haven’t had the time to just observe the amazing thing happening inside my body.   Now that I’m feeling movement more often and know the sex, I’m hoping to have the opportunity to take a step back and enjoy this pregnancy more.

Afterall, now the fun part of room decorating and baby shopping begins!


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