We are approaching that time of year again. The new year where everyone resolves to get fit, drop those extra pounds and set some health and fitness goals (OK well maybe not everyone, but it is definitely the most common New Years resolution!). If you find yourself in this category, you definitely want to check out Body Resolution in South Burlington!
Body Resolution is the premier source for Nutritional Counseling and Personal Training in the Burlington, Vermont area. They’ve created a fully-equipped, private studio where you will work with the area’s top trainers using their proven training and nutritional strategies to reach your specific goals.
Some great things about Body Resolution:
*Group Fitness Class Pass is only $50 a month.
*Personal Training Sessions that focus specifically on taking you to the next level in order to accomplish your deepest and most honorable goals.
*Personal Training Sessions that focus specifically on taking you to the next level in order to accomplish your deepest and most honorable goals.
*They offer a wide array of programs and services: one-on-one personal training, a full spectrum of classes in their expansive 2nd floor class space, nutrition consultations, a smoothie bar, massage therapy, sport-specific team training for athletes of any age, and ImPACT concussion testing. They also offer in-home training and corporate wellness programs.
The Body Resolution team let a few of us try out some of their classes so we could share our honest review with you all. Here are Stacie’s thoughts about the three classes she tried…
It has been a while since I had been to Body Resolution – when I went they didn’t have classes. I was thrilled to see all the different class they had to offer. The three classes I picked were:Candlelight Gentle Yoga taught by Emily EleyI wasn’t sure what to expect from this class – I imagined candles and yoga (duh). Emily chanted and also was speaking of how to get your whole body to relax and let go – which is not something I do often enough. If you are looking for a handcore yoga workout with sweating and balancing moves – this is not what you are seeking. If you are looking to stretch and relax and end your day peacefully – this is the class for you!Rip 360 Suspension Training taught by Ryan Garrow“By utilizing your own bodyweight, the TRX Suspension Trainer provides greater performance and functionality than large exercise machines costing thousands of dollars”, says Body Resolutions website. What does that mean? That means prepare to work your butt off! Thankfully there was only one other person in my class (and I knew them) so they weren’t upset by all my whining. When the first think you are told to do is squats – I always so “no”. But I did them! Ryan was able to push me in a way that didn’t make me want to punch him in the face!There are straps suspended from the ceiling and you really use your own body weight as resistance. Genius. 2 thumbs up!!Body Pump taught by Katie WebsterI just took this class yesterday. LOVED IT. Katie was so sweet and I was a bit nervous about Body Pump. She was reassuring to just do what I could and it would be okay. I can barely walk today but that’s because I really pushed myself. I basically lifted weights for an hour and yes . . . I even did squats. She asked nicely. The music was motivating and so was Katie. Maybe due to the weather there were about 10 people there but that’s the perfect class size for me.I found the entire staff welcoming and energetic. Body Resolution isn’t a “guys” gym as I’ve heard it referred to by others – it’s a gym for ALL.
Ready to try out Body Resolution for yourself? They are offering TWO readers a 10 class card and 1 personal training session! Enter the rafflecopter below for your chance to win.
Would love to try personal training!!!!
I would love the personal training sessions and the candlelight yoga!
After the 5th, I’m really going to feel motivated to try and find the extra time!! Yay, here’s hoping!!
In great need of this…it would be the perfect motivation!
Oh boy. I need this!
Would love to try candlelight yoga!
I’d want to try them all! I love the variety. I think I need Candlelight Yoga in my life right now, though.
I love Body Pump and it does seem more affordable than most :).
This sounds great, and just when I need! The group fitness classes sound affordable to even if I don’t win. Now I just need a babysitter.