We know that it can be easy to get stuck in a rut when it comes to feeding our families. When you are contending with picky eaters, time constraints, and sleep deprivation, meal planning and food prep can often feel overwhelming. The BVTMB team along with our sponsor, Healthy Living, is here to provide some fresh perspective and inspiration in the kitchen! From meal ideas to how to feed those picky eaters, we are excited to talk about all things food these next few weeks in our “Growing Up Gourmet, Beyond the PB&J” series.
The Sweet Side
I know my fellow BVTMB writers are giving some great tips on eating healthy and how to establish good habits early. Eating well and helping your child to form a healthy relationship with food is important. I know my husband and I always try to have healthy options and most meals are cooked in house (the once a week take and bake Costco pizza counts too, right?).
But let’s be honest, who doesn’t love sweets?!
Chocolate is pretty much my favorite thing ever. And I’m okay with that.
I think our concern for our children eating healthy is wise. Certainly childhood obesity is a real thing.
Sometimes, though, it seems like we get a little health crazy and that can be dangerous to developing good eating habits too.
When it comes to my toddler, sweets are okay with me. Does he get a bar of chocolate with every meal? No. Do I hesitate to get him ice cream when we see the ice cream truck pass our house? No I don’t. In fact, he has something sweet probably a few times a week. Especially come summertime. A creamee here, a Popsicle there, and a cookie in between.
Go ahead…I’m willing to be judged for it.
We try hard to eat healthy meals. Fruits and veggies are plentiful during mealtimes. But the current running joke in our house is that if you ask Aedan what he gets for using the potty, he’ll tell you, “five chocolates!”
The thing is, there are just too many things we have to say no to as parents. Some days it feels like half of my day is trying to correct my toddler’s behavior.
Why are sweets such a bad thing when given in moderation?
So rather than give you a recipe for a healthy meal, here is the 6 layer chocolate sprinkle cake I make for Aedan’s birthday each year from the absolutely wonderful blog, Sweetapolita. It isn’t as pretty as hers, but boy does it taste good!