My daughter is only six months old, but she’s already schooling me.
Here are ten things I’ve learned from her already:
1} Face plants are all part of the learning process and nothing to cry about.
2} Timing is everything. This includes pooping, peeing and vomiting.
3} If you can’t quite reach your goal, get on all fours and launch yourself at it. More times then not, you’ll get it.
4} The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but the wheel that screams, cries and throws things gets the grease, the alignment and the rotation.
5} Sometimes having a little cuddle is the best way of falling asleep.
6} Baby rice cereal looks and tastes like wood chips.
7} Seeing the world facing forward is a lot more fun than seeing it with your back to it.
8} You can learn a lot about how to move through life by watching someone who is older than you.
9} If the clothes are clean and warm, then all is right with the world.