Tag: kindergarten
Hello Kindergarten: Tips For Getting Kids Kindergarten Ready
Oh, fall, how I love you. Cooler weather, apple picking, beautiful leaves, and back-to-school time! Sure, I’ll miss the beach and the (sort of)...
Starting Kindergarten: Excitement, Fear And All The Emotions In Between
Starting kindergarten isn’t new in our household, but we sure do get a refresher this year.
Our youngest is starting kindergarten, and I’m amazed...
Sibling Separation Anxiety: Back to School Is Hard on Little Sister,...
My son has been in kindergarten for a month now and he’s doing just fine. He has made some new friends, comes home excited...
Self-Consciousness and Young Kids: How Early do These Feelings Start?
Having a child entering elementary school makes me nervous about a lot of things. But up until the second week of school, I didn’t...
Kindergarten Blues – How to Calm Back-to-School Fears
My five-year-old daughter has cried every night at bedtime for the past week. After some investigation, it turns out she has a case of...
An Open Letter to My (Soon to Be) Preschool Graduate
To My Elder Child, My Only Son, and My (Soon to Be) Preschool Graduate,
Soon, you'll be finished with preschool. I just can’t believe it.
Kindergarten Registration for my Baby Makes Me Sad
Kindergarten registration has begun. I'm sad.
It’s true that my “little baby” is now five years old. She is growing up quickly. I’m amazed at...
Kindergarten Advice from a First Grade Mom
Last fall, my oldest child started kindergarten.
He had so many questions and I had very few answers. Things have changed drastically since the...
A Question of Kindergarten Readiness
It's that time of year! Kindergarten registration is open...
Many schools are about to have an open house for incoming kindergarten parents. Perhaps your district has already...
Kindergarten, Ready?
My daughter was born just 14 days after our school district has a standard cutoff date for Kindergarten.
She will turn 5 in a couple...
The Night Before the Very First Day of School
After you fell asleep tonight, I peaked into your room. You lay with your arms spread wide across your bed, your body impossibly long...
Back to School: Tips for Parents
The lazy dog days of summer are winding down and if you are like me you're already thinking ahead to the next school year.
Registering for Kindergarten
It’s time to register your pre-K kids for Kindergarten here in the Burlington area.
“But it’s only March?”, you might be thinking.
I know, but around...
Kindergarten stole my child!
Kindergarten stole my sweet child. He left on a sunny, late-summer morning and another kid returned in his place. He is cranky, moody, grumpy,...