I read an article recently about how we as parents need to stop demanding that childcare costs are lowered. It’s reasoning? These teachers are not paid very well. They in fact care for your children for a great majority of the day, loving them when we are not around to kiss the boo-boos and wipe their tears. I would count myself as one of those parents that would complain about the price of childcare. After all, it is expensive.
It wasn’t until I began working in a classroom that my eyes opened.
This year was my first year working in a Kindergarten classroom. We are with these kids for 6.5 amazing hours each day. I have to say that I love absolutely every minute of it, but it is hard work. Being responsible for little lives that do not belong to you can be a bit overwhelming. Let me tell you: every single teacher at these schools has your child’s best interest in mind. They are loved!
I walked the halls today with more insight and pride in this school than ever before. I know every teacher, every administrator, and almost every child. Every single one is special in their own way. Every single person loves your child. Now, I knew this when I was just a parent, a volunteer. What I didn’t realize is just how hard these people work to make sure that your kids are safe, are learning an incredible amount of new information, and feel secure, worthy, and empathetic towards others. I am just blown away every day!
I work in a classroom with two other teachers. They are amazing! They truly love every single child in that classroom! Hugs are given and received daily (actually several times a day). The kids trust these women! The kindness and respect that I witness every day leaves me smiling long after I go. No one is left feeling dumb (for a lack of better words) no matter how silly the answer given. I am in awe at how the day is planned out and executed. It takes a lot of time, patience, and insight into each day. I understand this now. Despite a battle with standards and placements, these women make it all look so easy. I am proud to be there!
The janitor is the kindest, most wonderful man, and he takes the time to read with the students almost every day. He doesn’t need to, but he understands that it takes a village and that the village at Union Memorial includes him.
As the school year comes to an end, I reflect on all of this. I will miss all of these kids! I will miss all of the staff! I am so grateful to have been a part of a bond so strong, so special. I have one more child entering Union Memorial School, and my experience this past year has only strengthened my love for this school. My respect for all of these teachers continues to grow.
So in reading this article, I find myself relating to many of the points made. My point?