It is a pleasure …


 … to meet you that is!

I am so very excited; for today is the day when I get to meet all of you and you get to meet all of me! Well, some of my favorite parts about me! My name is Brittany, most call me Britt and I have a story to tell. However, I am finding the older I get the longer my story becomes and therefore more difficult to unfold. But I will start where I start and end in the now. And that should work out just fine for us I think.

So here we go…

The beginning of my story, as a mother that is, begins with meeting and marrying the love of my life. His name is Matthew, most call him Matt. Here is what we look like together::


This is not Mister Witt’s favorite photo but it is mine, and here is why :: it embodies us and who we are, as a couple, at our very best. That is, when Matt makes me laugh and smile and holds me tight. My most favorite space to be. I love him and he loves me and that is how I feel most days and also when we took this picture.

The two of us are where us began, be we are not all of the story. We managed to create two other actual people. Amazing!  These two people are our everything and they are growing in leaps and bounds I tell you. We have a Noah and a Gabi; ages eleven and eight. This is what they look like ::

IMG_1925 IMG_3197They are beauties, inside and out. You will hear lots about them in the coming months I am sure. I hope that they will bring me closer to you … for sharing in motherhood is such a wonderful gift that we can give to each other.

Now, all of our stories began as desert dwellers, each of us being born in the state of Arizona. And though there will always be a special place in our hearts for that dry hot desert, as well as a fair amount of joyful memories, we knew it was not our home forever. For Mister Witt and I longed for a more simple life. One set in a forested lakeside land that offered seasons, local farming, and some old fashioned peace & quiet. You can read the whole story here!

So, we are in the middle of our big adventure and are having the time of our lives. We are striving to live an intentional life where we choose kindness, joy, wonder and excitement. The kids are busy with school and friends and art and dance. Matt and I are busy making sure we raise decent human beings, which is quite a lot of work come to find out! We are also constantly looking for ways to work together and be creative. He and I have recently created a new art, we call it our dear, darling Red House Inc. It is in its baby stages now, which is good, keeping my mind off creating the other kind of babies as my former ones have turned into people. This is always tempting for I am forever in love with darling new ones. You can peek at our artistic newbie here at and here on FaceBook.

With so much more to our story I think this is good for now; I believe that is me, in the here and now. I am so looking forward to sharing with you on all things motherly, Vermont(y), artsy, and homemake(y)… all of my very favorite subjects! I hope you will learn from me and I from you during this fun new adventure. Best for now…

See you soon!

Love, always … britt + 3



[typography font=”Delius Swash Caps” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Written By Brittany[/typography]



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