Internet Safety Grant for Parent Teacher Associations Throughout the US


Is Internet safety the “Birds and the Bees” talk of today? How do you even begin to address social media safety, Internet precautions, and critical thinking about information that’s published online with your kids? 

Today, BurlingtonVT Moms Blog is happy to announce that Facebook is starting a new collaboration with Parent Teacher Associations throughout the country to conduct a series of community Internet safety events.

These Digital Families Community Events are designed to help families address tech-related challenges from online safety and bullying prevention, to digital news literacy. This is information all families can use. Online bullying, social media conduct, and online safety are issues that few of us grew up with, but that will greatly impact our children’s lives. It’s important that we learn enough about Internet safety so that we can teach and guide our kids. Even the most tech-savvy parents can’t monitor every single aspect of children’s social media and internet use. And even when they think they are, certain things can easily slip through the cracks. Instead of just nonstop monitoring, we also need to teach our kids how to make good choices when it comes to technology. 

Just like we start talking about sex and sexuality with our kids from an early age, we need to know how to talk about Internet safety from a young age as many children have access to phones, tablets, and computers at home and at school. 

The Facebook-sponsored collaboration is happening in all 50 states and is a part of a grant program open to all PTAs so parents can get research-backed best practices and tools to help them have important conversations with their children about technology. Local PTAs can apply now for a grant to host an event. Hosts will receive a unique training on online safety.

Visit the National PTA to learn more. 

baby, laptopBelow are some helpful links to resources related to internet safety to get the conversation started:

Please tag your friends who are active PTA members so that we can get the word out about this terrific grant opportunity for our communities. 



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