Moms with picky eaters face meal time challenges every day. Moms with picky eaters who also have food allergies are thrown a real curve ball.
We recently joined Victoria Bruner,
Healthy Living nutritionist from
Whole Health Nutrition, for a learn-by-tasting tour designed to make feeding any kid a positive experience. The tasting tours were an opportunity to try new foods and ask the nutrition staff those burning mommy questions about nutrition.
We started the tour in the
Learning Center where Victoria shed some light on nutrition information as it pertains to kids – picky or not – and answered some questions that we all had about managing picky eaters and food allergies.
The first night we met together we discussed feeding kids with peanut allergies. Victoria encouraged us with tips like “focus on what they can eat and not what they can’t eat” and passed out pamphlets full of information on how to help, not hinder, your child’s eating behavior. We then took to the store and literally tasted our way through almost every aisle. We tried fruits and vegetables that we’ve never even heard of and gleaned tips on how to cook those items in the produce aisle that leave you scratching your head.
I was delighted to see my nine year old son dive right in to taste-testing food that he would have never tried if I were to put them on a plate in front of him!
Victoria was great with the kids, encouraging them that if they didn’t like it, they could always spit it out, and convincing them it was worth a try. We played games like “what color do you think it will be inside” with veggies and “what do you think it will taste like” with other new foods.
The next tour was focused on feeding kids with gluten allergies. Victoria took us through the store once again and showed us all of the foods that were available to families who can’t eat gluten and also continued to inspire us to try new things as we perused the aisles. We learned so many valuable tips about feeding our kids in general but also were taught so many new things about the Healthy Living store as well!
For instance, did you know that Healthy Living purchases whole animals from local farms and butchers them in house so as to prevent cross contamination as well as offer the freshest cuts possible? How fantastic is that?!
Not only was the information at the store tour top notch, but the opportunity to walk through the store and hear about the products a nutritionist would suggest for our family – all while tasting them – was really incredible. I am excited to know about the
store tours and demos that Healthy Living does and will continue to check them out with the kids in tow. You know that thing where your kids will do things for other people that they won’t do for you? Try taking them to a tour and a demo and watch them be encouraged to try new foods….and like it!
Whole Health Nutrition holds demos at the Healthy Living Store from 12-2 every Monday and Thursday. Check out the
Nutritionist Calendar to find out more!
Check out the next FREE store tour:
Friday September 12th
11:00 – 12:00
FREE – With Victoria Bruner, MS
Topic: Back to School Brains
Join nutritionist Victoria Bruner MS for this month’s learn by tasting tour. In celebration of back to school, we will focus on the best foods to boost your memory and concentration. Find out which foods are your best bets on test day. Start the school year off right with smart eating As always these learn by tasting tours are great opportunities to learn your way around Healthy Living Market by tasting your way through the store with our expert nutrition staff.
[…] a little overboard with the veggies. Which is somewhat humorous for me given Wyatt won’t touch veggies on a typical […]