Have you been to Yoga Roots in Shelburne yet? If not, well you should go. I love yoga. As a runner, not many other forms of exercise spoke to me until I started taking prenatal yoga when I was pregnant with Ruby. The ability to challenge my body but calm the voices in my mind is what makes yoga so special to me. I attribute the breathing and poses like child’s pose and others to helping me thru labor and post-birth recovery.
Yoga Roots is on to something really neat, especially for mothers and moms-to-be.
Every month they are offering Tuesday Night Topics and Tea. Described as “free monthly discussions with local practitioners on all sorts of topics from pregnancy through parenthood”, this monthly gathering is an amazing resource for mothers.
Katie Bohlin, one of the co-directors of the studio, and a mom, started this program to “create a supportive community…for mammas to get out of the house, be welcomed into a warm and inviting space, meet new friends, get questions answered, learn something new…all without any concern of how much it will cost.”
The studio is located in Shelburne right off of RTE 7, located in the same building as Eating Well Magazine. The entrance is warm and cozy, filled with brightly colored artwork, and the studio itself was large enough to accommodate a big class but not so cavernous that it would make the space impersonal. The space is a peaceful one…like a yoga studio should feel. And if you’re wondering, not all yoga studios are peaceful and welcoming when you first enter the door.
I had the opportunity to attend last week’s discussion on “Pelvic Health Before and After Baby.” After making a cup of “calming chamomile” tea I sat down with the other women and we dove into the conversation about all things pelvic healthy (or lack thereof in many of our cases!).
Andrea Trombley, the speaker for the night is a physical therapist and yoga instructor. I had actually taken PT with her this past summer for a chronic lower back problem (post pregnancy related, surprise!). I like to describe her as the pelvic health guru in the Burlington area (no she didn’t pay me to write this). She has an incredible way of talking freely about an issue that might otherwise be embarrassing to discuss, especially with say…your partner.
As I listened, asked questions, and enjoyed my tea (without any kiddos demanding my time) I was so impressed by how comfortable I felt. I didn’t know anyone, but the other women and speaker were so friendly and talkative. When I was pregnant and post-pregnant with my first child I felt so unsupported and scared. I really didn’t have anyone with whom I could talk and ask questions. This is why Yoga Roots is on to something.
There is so much information out there for mothers these days and often times it’s hard to figure out where to go to ask questions and hear from other women. And you know, sometimes being a mom can be lonely and difficult. Katie and Yoga Roots have really helped to create a better support system and community for moms and moms to be.
Based on how wonderful a speaker Andrea was this past week, I have no doubt the future sessions will be just as informative and worth my time. Don’t see the topic you’re interested in listed below? Feel free to reach out to Yoga Roots and suggest more ideas. Yoga Roots is interested in conversation. They want to hear from us….the community! What makes people feel welcomed and supported is when their voices can be heard. Or better yet, when people can connect with each other through common experiences and situations something magical happens…a community begins to grow. Yoga Roots is really developing this community and creating an important forum for local moms. I can’t wait to see how this program evolves and attend more sessions…and maybe even make a few new friends.
If you missed the session last week, never fear, there are more to come. I’ve listed them below so you can have them on your radar.
Feb 18 – “Why Prenatal Chiropractic Is So Important” with Dr. Shelley Crombach
March 18 – “Rebalance with Acupuncture” with Megan Godfrey, Lac
April 15 – “Nutrition for Mom and Baby” with Marcia Bristow, RD
May 20 – “Kind Inner Voice” with Carolyn Lewis, Certified Hypnotherapist
June 17 – “Keys to Intentional Parenting” with Natanya Lara
In addition to the Tuesday Night Topics and Tea sessions, Yoga Roots has a full offering of yoga classes for Moms and Moms-to-be:
Prenatal Yoga: Tuesday 5:45pm, Thursday 8:45am
Post Natal Baby & Me: Wednesday 10:30am
The Birth That’s Right For You: One day birthing class offered every other month
Building Emotional Understanding: 6-week parenting class, starting in February