I have been on the path to chemical free cleaning for quite a few years now. However, I have always felt like I needed those disinfectant wipes on hand for the germy stuff, even though I wasn’t 100% in love with the chemicals they used. When I heard about Norwex from my friend, Kandice, it was a match made in heaven!
Kandice showcased her Norwex products at our Mom’s Oscars Night Out. Did you see her there? She’s the pregnant one on the right. 🙂
Let me give you the quick version of why I love the Norwex cleaning products.
The AntiBac microfiber cloths have silver woven into the fibers, making them antimicrobial. That means using just water, the cloths are cleaning up the germs! Below is a video showing how it works.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL1A6EhWYYk&w=420&h=315]
I am a firm believer that exposure to some germs is good for us. I don’t use antibacterial soaps in our home and I avoid overusing germ killing cleaners. But when it comes to cleaning up chicken juice or wiping down the toilet, please give me some germ killers. This is why I have jumped on the Norwex bandwagon! I can have germ fighting cleaning while only using water. It’s amazing!
It’s also so easy that the kids can clean the bathroom in a snap. My boys had a hard time wrapping their brains around using the same cloth to clean the whole bathroom, but once I showed them the Norwex trick of folding the cloth in fours and using each side as a fresh cleaning surface, they did ok. We also started our own trick, using the plain side to clean the sink and mirrors, and the tag side to clean the toilet. That made everyone feel like they weren’t wiping toilet germs onto anything else. Although, because of the way the silver traps the germs, you aren’t spreading germs, it’s just for peace mind!
There are many other products from Norwex that I am loving besides the EnviroCloths, they just happen to be my favorite! If you would like to learn more about cleaning chemical free with Norwex in Vermont, contact Kandice through her Norwex Website. You can host a party in your home where she can demonstrate the products for you and your friends or you can just order the products straight from her!
Get to cleaning chemical free with Norwex. It’s the Vermont thing to do!
*I was not compensated in any way for this post. I just really love the products and wanted to share them with my fellow Vermont moms!