If you’re like I was about a year ago, you probably either ignored the little purple podcast icon on your phone, or you just deleted it completely to make room for more photo storage. I imagined a podcast to be like a dry and dull talk show, and it didn’t seem like something that would interest me. I was wrong!
There are so many inspiring women focused podcasts out there for whatever season of your life you may find yourself. Whether you’re missing your lady tribe, looking for business tips, or lacking inspiration, there are so many great podcasts you can explore for free.
I am a stay at home mom and a small business owner, which I suppose would technically make me a work at home mom. While my husband might tell you there is a point at which one has listened to the Harry Potter series on Audible too many times (newsflash, that point does not exist) I do mix up my Harry Potter binges with podcasts when I need an energizing boost of girl power and motivation.
There was a time when I read several books a month. With a two year-old who loves to be go-go-going all the time, it’s tougher for me to curl up on the couch and devour an entire book in one day. I find podcasts (and, of course, audiobooks) to be a great way to consume content while I do other things.
I listen to podcasts while I work, blog, or drive.
Occasionally, when my daughter falls asleep in the car, I’ll kick back with a podcast and sit with her while she naps. The conversational nature of most women focused podcasts even makes me almost feel like I’m actually in the company of another grown up, which as any fellow stay at home moms will know, is a welcome feeling.
There are definitely times where I don’t feel like I relate one hundred percent to a particular episode. There are sometimes duds and certain messages don’t always speak to me. For example, I listened to an episode from one of these shows that promised tips for time management. I think we can all benefit from advice about time management, right? I listened to the women tell me for 20 minutes how important it was to hire help in the form of a personal assistant for all your tasks around the house so you can focus on your business. I don’t know about you, but that’s not in the cards for our family, no matter how dreamy that would be. (Spend the day in the sewing room creating new inventory and filling orders while someone does my laundry and cleans my kitchen? Uh, yes please.)
I always feel supercharged and inspired from listening to the stories from my fellow female business owners. They give me fresh ideas and motivation for running my business, new tips for keeping my life organized (hello, what mother doesn’t need that?) and generally a great boost to my mood. Women focused podcasts help me take off my mom hat for a few minutes, and put on my business owner thinking cap. I’m able to think about my business with fresh perspectives with a rejuvenated attitude.
I want to share with you my five favorite inspiring women focused podcasts.
–Productivity Paradox with Tonya Dalton
Tonya and her husband founded a company that designs planners and tools to keep your life organized called inkWELL Press, so she has no shortage of ideas for productivity and planning. I recently listened to an episode called, “The Comparison Trap” and one of my favorite moments was when she shared the following tidbits. “The grass is greener on the other side because it’s fertilized with manure,” and, “The grass is only as green as you keep it.” Even for those of you who aren’t business owners, this episode was such a great reminder about the dangers of getting sucked into the social media rabbit hole of comparing yourself to everyone else around you.
–She Did It Her Way with Amanda Boelyn
As far as I can tell, Amanda is not a mom, so some of her advice is a little harder to apply to my mom life. Take for example her encouragement to take the time throughout the day to meditate. I would like to let her spend a day with my always-on-the-move two year-old and see how many minutes she spends meditating. However, that doesn’t stop it from being one of my favorite podcasts. She interviews strong women who have built successful businesses and who are willing to share their stories and experiences to help other women trying to do the same. One of my favorite recent episodes was when she interviewed Christina Stembel, the owner of Farm Girl Flowers, about building a multi-million dollar company in a primarily male-run industry, despite at one point reaching a low of only $400 in her business account.
–Dais Podcast with Rachel Hollis
Rachel is the author of “Girl, Wash Your Face.” I wish I could hand out this book Oprah style to every woman I meet.
You get a copy, you get a copy, and YOU get a copy!
It is without a doubt one of the more inspiring books I have read in a long time. She starts each chapter with a lie she has told herself in the past, such as, “I am not as good as the other moms,” “There is only one right way to be,” or, “I will start tomorrow,” and then tells the experiences that led her to accept these statements as false. I can’t do this book justice in a quick description… please read it! Better yet, listen to it on Audible like I did. Rachel narrates the audiobook herself, so it feels like a friend is telling you her stories. There are times when it gets a little cheesy, and “self-helpy” in a very obvious way, but a couple times I actually choked up with emotion while listening because I could relate so strongly. When I found out Hollis also has a podcast, I knew I had to give it a try. I wasn’t disappointed. She has episodes about anxiety, keeping your marriage strong, and avoiding distractions in life and business, among other topics.
–Boss Mom Podcast with Dana Malstaff
Remember when I said one of the shows urged me to hire a nanny, housekeeper, and personal assistant? Yeah, that was this one. However, even if there are some episodes that don’t feel relatable to me personally, there are many that do. A recent episode that I loved was about the importance of maintaining control in your growth, rather than momentum just for momentum’s sake when it comes to expanding and running a business. This resonated with me because as the owner of a small business, it feels like I should constantly be chasing the next big thing, rather than perfecting and controlling that which is already working well for me.
–The Momfidence Podcast with Courtney St. Croix
This is a brand new women focused podcast, and currently, there are only three episodes. But I am very intrigued by what I have heard. Courtney is a fitness leader, blogger, and mama of a toddler. She puts a focus on body image, confidence, and having a positive mindset. I have yet to meet a mother who wouldn’t benefit from this kind of talk. I’m so excited to see where future episodes go! I think this will end up being a permanent addition to my podcast library.
Great recommendations – thank you for this post!
I’m glad I could share! Hopefully there’s something on this list that inspires you the same as it does for me!
Awesome! I hope you find one you love! I always feel totally charged up after listening to these.
Really appreciate these recommendations. I’m just now getting into the Podcast thing a little bit. Like super little. I’ve got a couple on my phone I subscribe to that I tune into rarely but I’m always looking for new and fresh content to spark my interest so I’m excited to have some Mommy podcast recommendations.