10 Things I Wish Someone Told Me 10 Years Ago at My Baby Shower
(and if you did, but I was too stubborn to listen, I apologize)
In our latest episode of Whose Kid is That, Julie reflected on what she would go back and tell herself 10 years ago when she was pregnant…
- Stop eating, this weight is not going to be easy to lose for you. Keep moving!
- You are not tired. You have no idea what tired even is. – sleep when the baby sleeps
- Stop assuming childbirth will go how you planned – you need to be prepared for both vaginal birth or a c-section
- All of these gifts are great, but your baby probably won’t like 90% of it.
- Breastfeeding is hard. Like really really hard.
- Just wear the baby.
- Choosing not to go back to work is an option.
- Trust your instincts.
- It’s okay to take care of yourself.
- It gets easier (before it gets hard again)