I think I’m the best parent in the world and these are all the reasons why.
I think I’m the best parent in the world because I let my kids try everything. I encourage, empower, and engage. In the home, on the field, at work, and at play, I show them the possibilities and let them choose what to pursue.
I teach, enlighten, and don’t talk down to my children. I talk them up every day. I believe they are intelligent and discerning beings, so no matter what the topic, I give as much information as I can. I only filter myself if my answer might be harmful. Otherwise, my kids learn truths and facts without bias, to the best of my ability.
I stress the importance of emotional intelligence. I love how fellow Vermont Moms writer Miki explains to her counseling clients and to her children, “All feelings are valid. All actions are not.” In this same vein, I honor their feelings and help them to identify and process their emotions while aiming to teach them right from wrong.
I offer nourishment and sweets without restriction or judgment, allowing my children to learn and listen to their own bodies to know what is right for them. I create a dialog around which foods fuel you and which don’t, so they learn how to balance the needs and wants of the body.
I buy them the things they need and some extras, and I try to teach them the difference so they learn the needs and the wants of the mind.
I work and I play, and I show them how to work and how to play. I rest and relax, and I show them how to rest and relax. In this way, they learn the needs and the wants of the soul.
I am their mother and their guide in life, but I am not their boss. I try to be a good role model while encouraging them to pave their own paths. I show my daughters the way and then let them take the lead. I learn from them as much as they learn from me. We all take turns being the teacher.
I am their friend when they need a friend and their mother at all times. These roles don’t have to be differentiated because I am always going to be their biggest cheerleader and their warmest embrace, no matter what title I go by. Sometimes, I will be their biggest headache, and number one annoyance too, and that’s just real life.
Most of all, I think I’m the best parent in the world because I know that I’m not the best parent in the world.
I am flawed and uncertain. As a mother, I am just winging it and doing the best that I can. For all the things I do right, I might do a million other things wrong. But I am trying my best to grow strong, healthy, kind humans who know love and give love.
I might not actually be the best parent in the world, but I hope my children think I am.
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