Are you a mom? Do you have babies or toddlers? Do you live in Vermont, especially in the Chittenden County area? Then, chances are that you can relate to one or all of these statements.
You know you’re a Vermont toddler mama if…
- Your kids’ first words are mama, dada, Ben, and Jerry.
- You’ve found yourself wondering if that’s actually Miss Meg’s real voice.
- You know that the Chicken Parade at Shelburne Farms doesn’t really start at 10:30 because you have to sit through the 15-minute speech first, which incidentally, you have memorized.
The only music playing in your car is Mister Chris and you’re not even that mad about it.
- It has to be below zero for you to think it’s too cold for your kids to play outside.
- You don’t think twice about letting your 2-year-old eat a maple-syrup-coated hot dog at Palmer’s Sugarhouse in March.
You legit cried the day that Buttered Noodles closed.
Took this picture on closing day, as I sobbed in my parked car. - You sat in the baby room at the VNA Family Room and considered taking a nap on the huge futon mattress in the corner while the amazing workers held your infant.
- You met at least four of your current mama friends taking prenatal yoga at Evolution.
- You met another four of your current mama friends through childbirth classes at Beginnings in South Burlington.
Once in a while, you let your kids have creemees for lunch — knowing what a creemee is goes without saying.
- You also participate in Yogurt-City-for-dinner-night, aka the Summer Concert Series at Williston’s Maple Tree Place on Thursdays.
- You seriously considered having another baby just so you can experience the new mother-baby unit at the hospital.
- You know the best swimming lessons in the area are at Swim with Annie.
- You’ve taken your littles to Open Gym at Regal on a rainy day in August and lived to tell about it.
Your kids hang out with Phish’s kids during Burger Nights at Bread and Butter Farm.
- The first thing you do every day is check
- You are super grateful to Radio Bean in Burlington for hosting kids’ music hour with Linda Bassick on Friday mornings because coffee.
- You know that Zutano booties are a MUST-HAVE baby item.
- Half of your kids’ wardrobe came from Once Upon a Child.
There isn’t a day that goes by that you don’t thank your lucky stars for being able to raise your kids in this beautiful state!
So lovely!
Your two-year-old is an amateur rock climber thanks to the boulders on Church Street
Yes! Someone else just mentioned this on the FB link, too… so true! Thanks for reading, Jennifer.