2016 is coming to a close! We wanted to share our 10 most popular blog posts that were published this past year. We hope you enjoy re-visiting them as much as we did!
The Art of Toy Rotation
“Does this sound familiar? Throughout the day our son would leave a tornado of destruction by pulling all of his toys out and not ever really playing with any of them. Toys were piled in a heap, and bins were repeatedly dumped. I didn’t know what to do with all of them, and wanted him to be able to enjoy them all. Enter, Toy Rotation!”
The Most Powerful Phrase I Taught My Child
“I’m reclaiming my life after the toddler years.when I felt that intense need to follow her around and prevent every injury — when picking my battles sometimes did mean dumping water out of the yellow cup to refill the pink one, no matter how insane it seemed, all to avoid an epic temper tantrum after an already crazy day.”
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Truth about Yelling at Your Kids
“My voice, at top volume, is what keeps our little family vessel charging forward through the chaotic seas of dinnertime, school, soccer, piano lessons, and social obligations.”
Bullying and the 3 Most Powerful Words We Can Teach Our Children
“Ultimately, as parents, we have a responsibility to teach our kids not only to speak up for what is right but also to have the courage to speak out against what is wrong. Refusing to participate in an attack, or turning a blind eye to bullying, isn’t enough. Silence isn’t enough.”
Women United Against Shorts
“Let’s be honest, shall we? Despite the fancy ads showing women in dress shorts, looking glamorous and weather-appropriate, even though they are frequently in ad campaigns shot in deserts, women’s shorts are not really something that can be dressed up.”
Living in the Third Snobbiest Town in Vermont
“Living in a new town is never easy. But I moved to what was voted the third snobbiest town in Vermont. It’s true, they actually have a poll to determine that.”
Third Trimester Pregnancy Hacks
“Now that I’m in my last month of pregnancy, I’ve come up with some pregnancy hacks to help make my life easier both now and after the baby comes.”
10 Signs I Live With a Toddler
“However, even with all this amazement, awe, and learning, she is still a little kid and with that comes both toddler behavior and an entire lifestyle devoted to living around a toddler. Here are ten signs you know I am living with a toddler…”
HIE Awareness Month – Abe’s Story
“HIE stands for: Hypoxic: lack of oxygen Ischemic: restricting blood flow Encephalopathy: affecting the brain. It affects about two to three in every 1,000 full-term births every year.”
When Postpartum Depression Takes You By Surprise
“Turns out that label is a bit of a misnomer. Postpartum depression (PPD) is made up of a variety of symptoms, and a mom can experience one, some, or all of them to be diagnosed with PPD. This was surprising to me and I realized I had been battling this on my own for the last several months.”