Tag: Tricia
Cry Me a River
It was winter out. Icy, frigid, gray.
I found myself sitting in the Skinny Pancake at Burlington Airport, waiting for my outbound flight to Newark,...
Across the Miles on Mother’s Day
To My Mom: mother of five, grandmother to 16, nurse, wife, Sarah Lawrence graduate, back-rubber, story-teller, and forever-confidant of mine.
Dear Mom,
Thank you for teaching me...
Wax On, Wax Off
To wax or not to wax.
It's never been a question. At the ripe old age of 14, I began a dutiful pilgrimage to the...
Unplugging in the Afternoon + A Giveaway
Yesterday, the kids and I colored monster pictures.
Maggie is into patterns these days and so alternated coloring her monsters turquoise and brown. Sophia, having...
50 Shades of Sleep: Whose Bed This Is, I Think I...
BurlingtonVT Moms Blog is partnering with Phoenix Physical Therapy to bring you our latest series titled “50 Shades of Sleep”, about…you guessed it….sleep. Like...
Yeah, So I Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Cheesecake… + A...
A few months ago my family helped out some friends. Because that's what friends are for. As a thank you, a cheesecake was given to...
The Real Deal
My kids. 7, 5 and 3. They are the lights of my life, my blessings.
Best of friends.
Haha, just kidding about that last part.
Here's the...
Half Mom
He looked up at me with moon eyes, deep cerulean pools.
"Mommy, do I ask too many questions?" Worry was stitched in the little place...
Playing With Food: Nacho Night!
Looking for a fresh, fun way to add some flair and innovation to your little one's intake? Bring on Nacho Night, a family activity...
The Sick Day
One Wednesday in November, I took a sick day. For ME.
My children and husband were all in various stages of recovery after a...
Body After Babies :: Biting the Apple
At 18 years old and 95 pounds soaking wet, my belly is where the pudge settled. It wasn't even pudge, really. Just a slightly fluffy...
Diving In
The grey sky loomed over us on a Monday afternoon in June. School was still in session, but the temperatures cried summer as we...
Last Minute Christmas Gift Guide for Kids
Still looking for fabulous gifts for the kiddos? Look no further, I've got some ideas up my sleeve!
Eucalyptus Wings
Local author J. Alison James writes a...
Baby It’s Cold Outside! A Winter Craft for Families
Ready or not, here it comes.
Vermont winters are long. And cold. So to keep my spirit warm and add to the joyful home I...