Tag: Parenting

School Year Goals: Thinking About What I Need to Do to...

As much as I like summer, I think I’m ready for my kids to start school. I managed to complete over 90% of my...

Smartphone Addiction: One Mom’s Experiment to Kick the Habit

I have a confession to make, and I can already see the reactions going two ways. Some moms will relate, while others will want...

Retiring our Red Wagon: Fondest Farewell, Old Friend

The other night, as we were on our nightly family walk, trekking up the steep hill across the street from our house, something dawned...

Getting Yourself Ready for Middle School in 25 Easy Steps

Congratulations! Despite having only just brought your baby home from the hospital last week, today they’re suddenly ready for middle school! However ready your...

Which One Is Your Favorite Child? The Unfathomable Question

The moment my husband and I decided to have our second child, I was prepared for the inevitable question of, “What if you have...

Pregnancy Pet Peeves: We’ve All Got ‘Em, Now Let’s Share ‘Em!

Let’s face it, we all have unavoidable annoyances that cross our paths from time to time and make us cringe, sweat a little and...

School’s End Craziness: The Insanity Right Before Summer

I don’t know if I’m going to make it until mid-June in one piece. From the outside, I look semi-put together. On the inside, I’m...

Mom Guilt: The Rabbit Hole, Balance, and Attempts to Combat It

Mom guilt is the worst guilt in the world! Reading a post about how moms should all stop feeling mom guilt makes me feel even...

Nicole’s Summer Cocktail Series: Refreshing Vodka Drinks

Summer hasn’t even officially kicked off yet, and I am over here like, “Bring on the cocktails P-L-E-A-S-E!” In this episode of my Summer...

Sometimes I Treat Myself like a Babysitter Instead of a Parent

You don’t have to look far to find articles and posts about how parents should avoid, “Acting like the babysitter.” It’s typically about men/dads...

Why I Believe in What is Now Referred to as Free-Range...

Wikipedia defines free-range parenting as, “The concept of raising children in the spirit of encouraging them to function independently and with little parental supervision,...

Threenager Diaries: Field Notes from a Mom Raising a Threenager

Before having children, I always heard about the "terrible twos." It wasn't until I had my own child that I heard the term, "threenager." Once...

Empowering my Daughter: I’m not my Daughter’s Voice Anymore

I love to talk but I've decided to try not speaking on behalf of my daughter. I can't be my daughter's voice anymore. Well-meaning...

Spectator Sport: Observations from the Sidelines of My Kids’ Hobbies

My kiddos are 8 and 11 and I believe that they each now have the same number of active hobbies as years. From skiing...