Tag: Heather

When someone you know has cancer…

My sister cousin has breast cancer. She’s also my best friend. She’s not the kind of best friend where we coo about how much we...

Mom Patrol

Last Saturday night I went out with a friend whom I’ve known since nursery school. Thirty-six years (thirty-seven in her case, but who’s counting?!)...

One Pot Meals: Easy and Less to Clean

I usually don’t put up blog posts of recipes, mostly because I don’t ever invent my own culinary taste adventures. Well there was that...

All Boy? So Girly? My response to a post about being...

The other day, while at my son’s dance class I overheard him and few other boys talking about butts. I looked at another mom...

Making good parenting decisions…and making a few bad ones too.

I could regale you with tales of how my self-diagnosed seasonal affective disorder is making me grumpy and manic all at once. Or how the...

Body After Babies: A Work in Progress

Last week I was reading a book to my 15-month old daughter. I don’t remember which book it was or whether she even sat...

A New Take On Being Thankful

Last weekend I ran 26.2 miles in NYC. This was my third marathon but still a challenge nonetheless. And before you roll your eyes...

My Recent Health Scare:: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

*This is an older post from our archives, but we thought it was appropriate to share during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, as we seek...

The Quesadogga…a recipe

Lately I have been feeling left out of the Pinterest world.  More specifically, I have felt a tad jealous of all my blogging sisters...

Pickles always make for a great story.

Today is the first day of school here in Vermont. It’s the first day that my son went off on a huge school bus...

Vermont Baby Food :: Sponsored Review & Giveaway- CLOSED

When I was offered a chance to try out Vermont Baby on Ruby I jumped at the chance. Vermont Baby is a locally produced...

Life is a bowl (or glass full) of cherries…Cheribundi Review &...

Life is bowl full of cherries. Seriously, go ahead, look at this bowl of cherries…doesn’t it just make you cherry? I mean, cheery? Over the...

Ouch my boobs hurt: attack of the mastitis monster

The weather! Let me say it again, with more specificity…the weather in Vermont these past two weeks! Can I just get a collective, “Amen?”...

Running after having a baby…

I’d like to think that you, gentle readers, follow along in reading all of my blog posts. If so, you’ll recall that in January...