Tag: art projects
Using Art to Fundraise for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Vermont
I love making a difference in the community, and found an amazing way to use my artistic talents to make a real impact for refugees. This year I participated in Central Vermont Refugee Action Network’s (CVRAN) March Arts Marathon and Chittenden Asylum Seekers Assistance Network’s (CASAN) Arts for Asylum Seekers fundraisers to support refugees and asylum seekers settling in Vermont.
“But the Mess!” Making Art with Young Children
I recently polled friends and family on social media to ask their thoughts on creative projects with kids, and what keeps them from doing...
Top 20 Ways to Collaborate With Your Child to Make Beautiful...
My 3-year-old is now making some pretty wonderful artwork. She is clever, creative, and loves splashing paint and making scribbles! She's also starting to...
3 Easy Fall Art Projects
My son loves art projects. I always had art supplies on hand for him to scribble with crayons or markers. Then we discovered the...