Summer break is just around the corner here in Vermont. I love having my kids home with me and look forward to all of the fun outdoor things we can get into. However, I dread rainy days. I hate having the TV on all day and being cooped up in the house. I don’t want to spend the entire day in the car either, driving to Burlington with my two kiddos. I want rainy day activities near Rutland.
This year, before the summer even starts, I decided to put together a list with some ideas I can pull from when I see rainy weather in the forecast.
Here is my list of fun summer break rainy day activities near Rutland:
Movie Theaters
Check out a free movie on Tuesday and Wednesday at Flagship Cinema. If the rain happens to come on a Tuesday or Wednesday, you are in luck! Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am throughout the summer, Flagship screens a kids’ movie for FREE. The same movie is selected for both Tuesday and Wednesday each week and they are always kids favorites. Check out the full list of titles, dates, and run times, here.
Gymnastics or Fitness Centers
The Rutland area has many child-friendly indoor gyms like Cobra, Head Over Heels, and Fitness Made Fun. Each of these places offer a consistent open gym day and time each week. The price is typically not astronomical, ranging from as little as $3 an hour at some locations to $12 at others (depending on your membership status). This is the perfect opportunity to let your littles get their energy out on a day that isn’t ideal for outdoor play.
- Wonderfeet Museum: A local favorite for small children. This place is closed on Monday and Wednesday and open from 10am-4pm all other days except Sunday, when they are open 1pm-4pm. The price is just right, only $5 a person for the day. Children under a year are free. There is a designated infant/toddler space and each of the exhibits is geared to childhood sensory development. Definitely worth a drop-in on a rainy day.
- Vermont Marble Museum: Located just outside of Rutland in Proctor, VT, the Marble Museum has a fantastic children’s geology exhibit. There are fluorescent lights and dinosaur fossils. The price is just right, as well. Only $9 for adults, $4 for children and teens, and FREE for Proctor residents.
- New England Maple Museum: Who doesn’t love maple syrup? Why not check out a museum completely dedicated to the delicious treat? At the Maple Museum in Pittsford, you can find out about the history of maple making and the maple making process. Also, try yummy samples! Adults are only $5, children ages 6-12 are only $1, and children under 6 are FREE.
Our area has some great libraries with excellent children’s sections. Check out the Rutland Free Library, Proctor Free Library, Maclure Library in Pittsford, and Sherburne Memorial Library in Killington. Each offers special weekly children’s programs. For instance, the Proctor Free Library has a different children’s activity each Tuesday and a Mommy and Me group meets weekly. Whether or not there are specific activities planned, the libraries are also a great place to go if you just want to get out of the house and not spend money. Most have toys, sensory activities, puppets, puzzles, and, of course, books!
Indoor Pools
You might be looking for a break from swimming when there is poor weather. If swimming every day is your goal, regardless of weather, check out the pools at Vermont Achievement Center (VAC) or Pico Fitness Center for their daily swim rates. Daily access to the pool at Pico is $15 for adults and $10 for children, but season ski pass holders get a 30% discount.