New Year’s Goals: Tips for Not Giving Up on Your Goals


Here’s to a new year, a new decade, and a new beginning. Each year seems to go by faster and faster. There don’t seem to be enough hours in the day for daily tasks, nor enough days in the year to accomplish goals!

As the years go by though, I have learned that you don’t need to make huge changes to work towards your goals. This year, I am going to encourage you to not give up on your New Year’s goals!

Each New Year, my family writes down a list of what they’d like to accomplish. What do they want their new beginning to look like? They list new challenges, activities, and academic goals to name a few. Something that I always remind my teenage daughters of is that the best way to achieve an end goal is to set up a series of smaller goals. 

New Year wreath

In the past, I have set the typical goals of losing weight, eating better, and going to the gym. I have never once achieved my goals. Ever. I think my mistake was setting unrealistic goals. This year I plan on following through, and here are my tips on how to set and keep your New Year’s goals!

1.What Really Matters 

I don’t know about you but sometimes I don’t prioritize the goals that I want to achieve. Make a list of things that you’d like to accomplish over the course of the year and then rank them from the most important to the least. If you want to start taking daily walks, put that at the top of your list. Walking benefits your physical and mental health. If you have a list of multiple goals, it will be useful to have the most important goals at the top of your list. 

2. Find a Partner

I find it easier to achieve a goal when I have an accountability partner. Most of the time, I partner up with one of my daughters because I see them on a daily basis so it’s easier for both of us to check in regularly. My daughters are older, and lately we have been having the same goals which makes our shared resolutions more fun! I’ll be honest; my daughters are usually better at sticking to the end goal than I am.

3. Make it Public

I think it’s a fact that when you make your goals public, it really holds you accountable to follow through. Post your New Year’s resolutions on social media, and who knows- you may find another person with the same goals that you could partner with! Don’t give up because people are watching and maybe you are inspiring them to follow and achieve their goals.

4. Set Realistic and Measurable Goals and Be Specific

Like I said above, my mistake in the past has been setting unrealistic goals. The goal of losing weight is too broad. Instead of “losing weight” as a goal, you could try swapping out 1 unhealthy food per week or spending more time doing meal prep so delivery pizza isn’t a regular meal. Small steps can equal big results.

yellow mugs with coffee and foam art in the shape of hearts.

I am not claiming that I know everything about setting and achieving goals. In fact, most of the time, I give up too soon because I am impatient. Hey, that could be a goal of mine this new year; stop giving up too soon! Kids see and imitate everything, and I want to be a good example for my girls. I always try to keep them in the back of my mind when I set goals. 

What about you? What example do you want your children to see? 

I’d love to hear some of your New Year’s resolutions!!

New Year's Goals: Tips for Not Giving Up on Your Goals


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