Drum Roll! It’s time to reveal the fabulous results of the Mother’s Day Mommy Makeover provided by Indigo Salon and EarthySoul!
Our winner, Moira, is full time working mom who lives in Colchester with her husband, Nick, and their two kiddos, Ethan, 5 (heading to kindergarten in the fall!) and Makenzie, 2.5.
We think she looked lovely just as she was (look at that long, beautiful hair – which she DONATED! Amazing!) but we know sometimes a momma just needs a change. We highly recommend Indigo Salon, and it sounds like Moira is hooked too! Here is what she had to say about her time at Indigo.
It was amazing!
They brought me into the waiting lounge, offered coffee or water and had me put on a robe. Then my stylist, Anna, came and got me and brought me to the waxing room. We chatted about the lip and brow wax and she did an efficient and nearly painless job. Then we went to the color room where we talked about the highlights I wanted to do and she had sample colors for me to pick from. Together we checked out some of the styles and colors I had pinned on Pinterest.