I love a good deal. Especially when it comes to baby and kid items.
Before we lived here in Burlington, we lived in Minneapolis, MN. One thing I loved about having my first baby in Minneapolis is that they had fabulous consignment sales. These were HUGE sales that filled up an entire arena at the state fair grounds. You could find just about anything and at amazing prices. What I wasn’t gifted, I was able to find at these sales.
I was hoping to find some type of similar sale after we moved to Vermont but was disappointed when I couldn’t really find anything. Then last winter I saw an ad for the Lil’ Vermonters Consignment Sale.
Lil’ Vermonters LLC was started by Michelle, a fellow local momma who saw a need and filled it. This is a little bit of her story…
I moved to Vermont 3 years ago after being a life-long resident of Connecticut. When my husband and I found out we were expecting our first child, I immediately started to research what baby products we’d need…not to mention the clothes! Holy sticker shock! I realized that her clothes, at full price, cost just as much as my clothes…and you had to entirely change out her wardrobe every 3 months. Kids grow so fast! I knew paying full price was not an option for our family. My first option was second-hand consignment stores, but even they were a little pricey for second-hand clothes. My second option was Craigslist where people were selling “lots” of clothing, but as I looked through photos, I found that I only liked certain pieces and didn’t want to buy the whole lot. My third option was garage sales. I did find some great deals that way, but it was a lot of driving, in the summer heat, in the 3rd trimester of pr egnancy. Then my sister, who lives in Connecticut, invited me to come to a local kids’ consignment sale with her. I was blown away by the size of the sale, the selection & quality of items, and the prices! I ended up driving down to Connecticut for 2 more local consignment sales after that. When I tried to find a sale in Vermont, knowing that this state loves to “reduce, reuse, recycle,” I was surprised that I couldn’t find any. One of my mottoes has always been “see a need, fill a need,” and that’s how Lil’ Vermonters started.
Their first sale was last Spring, and their next sale is Saturday, October 12th at St. John Vianney Parish Hall in South Burlington. Lil’ Vermonters is unique because it’s the only kid/baby/maternity consignment sale in Chittenden County that offers an semi-annual event where parents can shop for clothing & gear…and anything baby/kid/maternity related.
I attended their spring sale and was pleasantly surprise at how organized it was, especially for their first ever sale. They had a great selection of kids clothes and some really nice toys. The great thing about consignment sales is that the more the word gets out, the bigger and better the sale will be!
There is still time to apply to be a consigner. You make 70% commission off of each of your items that sell. They also have a great deal where you can earn 5% more commission for each 4 hour volunteer shift that you sign up for! For more information on what you can consign and how to sign up visit their website.
Nothing to consign? You can still volunteer and be granted access to the early bird sale! This is a great opportunity to snag some of the more prized goodies before everyone else enters the sale 🙂
OK, ready to do some shopping? Lil’ Vermonters has graciously offered one of you lucky readers a $25 gift certificate to their sale on October 12th! Just enter the giveaway below for your chance to win!
*BurlingtonVT Moms Blog received compensation for this post, but the opinions expressed are entirely our own.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Great and good stuff for consignment services………………………..
Now winter is coming so i am looking for winter clothes….:)
I will be looking for boys 3/4T pants and musical instruments and other fun surprises
Looking for some winter clothes and some large floor puzzles.
Looking for baby girl Boggs!
Christmas and birthday gifts would be great!
I had no idea this went on! Amazing! Thanks for spreading the word!
I plan on going so it would be very nice to win this gift certificate…
Awesome. Luna needs some winter clothes.
Can’t wait!
Went to this in the spring and am going this fall. Can’t wait! Yay for deals.
Went to this in the spring and am going this fall. Can’t wait!
I need a snowsuit and a few winter clothes for the little guy
We just moved up from Florida so we are looking for all things winter related! Not much need for boots and snowsuits in Florida!!
Lisa, how fun! I am originally from Florida! Where did you move from?
Good stuff..keep updating such Good information…thanks for writing such a post…sale24…keep posting.
I need more winter clothes for my 3 month old
Winter boots for my 5 year old and some doll house accessories for Christmas 🙂
winter and spring clothes for my 2 year old!
I’d love to find a play kitchen.