It’s Summer and…



It’s summer. That’s roughly eleven weeks of sleeping in, impromptu playdates, and lots of sun.

Endless days at the beach and park. Living the dream, right? Most days I would agree. But there are a few here and there that are let’s say not so dreamy. A select few that are drizzled with arguing and longing.

Don’t get me wrong. I cherish every single summer day I get to spend with my kids.

I know that they are numbered. I know that one day, in the not too distant future, I will long for these days, even the days filled with arguing and longing. For one day they will not need me like they do today. Today I play the nurturer, the entertainer, the friend.

One thing that is difficult though is the age difference. Making sure that everyone is having a good time together can be a bit of a struggle. My kids are 12, 10, 7, and 3, two girls and two boys. Naturally they are finding less and less in common lately.

My solution? I have for the past few years tried to do both girls nights and boys and Mom nights.

They love it! The girls especially really love it. To do something more grown up like shopping, nails, or even dinner and a movie (which has become our new favorite thing to do). The boys and I usually find ourselves at Barnes & Noble perusing through the children’s section or playing trains and Legos. As for the days, we struggle some days to find just what to do, other days we laugh, we play, and we just cherish what we have. My Dad always says “one day at a time.” I like to say one memory at a time.

Enjoy these summer days with your little’s. For tomorrow today will seem like just a memory.

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Faith Abair
I am a Mom to four wonderful kids (most of the time) Maddy (October 2002), Natalie (October 2004), Jack (December 2007), and Oakley (August 2011). We live in Colchester and are very lucky to be a part of this wonderful community. I am even luckier to work within this school district. You may also find me coaching one of their teams or chauffeuring to one of their many activities. I am also completing my BS in Marketing/Business. My passion, other than my kids of course, is literacy. I could go on and on about how important the foundation of literacy is. One day I plan to open my own children’s bookstore.


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