Evolution Yoga: EvoKids Review


My three year old was introduced to yoga via a babysitter about 6 months ago, and she immediately fell in love. I would often here her say, “Watch, watch, mommy! Look at my yoga!”. She would proceed to do a downward dog or some other yoga move that I don’t know the name, pop back up, and beam at me with a huge smile on her face. That’s when I figured it was time to let her take her own yoga class.

I had heard amazing things about Evolution Yoga’s kids classes, and I must say that they did not disappoint!

I signed Nora up for one of their series – a nature yoga class for kids 3-5 years old. Nora’s teacher, Becky, was AMAZING. Becky is fabulous with little ones! Getting 3 to 5 year olds to do yoga is definitely not a task for the faint of heart, but Becky’s upbeat personality and sweet spirit is a magnet for children and puts them immediately at ease. Her excitement for yoga and the world around her is contagious and causes kids to get truly excited about each class.

2 to 5 yo sleep

Nora LOVED that most of the classes were outside at a nearby park (unless rain or cold got in the way) and incorporated different aspects of nature. She is currently obsessed with collecting sticks, rocks, leaves, flowers, etc. so being able to do some of these things along with yoga was like hitting the lottery!

Nature yoga kids class

Becky had fun games to keep the children active and involved while incorporating some of the typical yoga moves that most people know. The length of the class was perfect for kids (right around 45 minutes) and I loved the song they sang to start and end each class. I still catch Nora singing it around the house!

If you are looking for a fun yoga class for your kids, definitely check out Evolution Yoga!

They have options for 4 months old (with parents) up through 11 years. All of their summer classes are drop-in rather than series, so it is a great time to check out a single class!

You can also try out a class at our upcoming Little Yogis Play Date event on Saturday, September 6 as part of the Art Hop! We will be sharing more information soon!

*BVTMB received compensation for this post, but the views and opinions expressed are entirely our own.


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