Tag: running

My Marathon Marriage: We Are in it for the Long Haul

I love running. I may not be fast, but I enjoy running for long distances and pushing myself physically and especially mentally. As a mom,...

Mother Runner: How I Hit the Roads and Found My Inspiration

My alarm goes off at 4:30am and I leap out of bed. Quietly I pull on my leggings, sports bra, t-shirt, and socks. I peek...

Training with Tots

Towards the end of 2013, I was feeling pretty pleased with myself! I had spent a good portion of the summer getting into the best...

Making it Work

I am not the most athletic person. I do agree that my past posts on this blog would dispute this, and you may be...


On Sunday, November 3rd, my wife completed her third marathon—this one in New York City.  It was particularly resonant for her, and for me,...

A New Take On Being Thankful

Last weekend I ran 26.2 miles in NYC. This was my third marathon but still a challenge nonetheless. And before you roll your eyes...

Running after having a baby…

I’d like to think that you, gentle readers, follow along in reading all of my blog posts. If so, you’ll recall that in January...