Tag: running
My Marathon Marriage: We Are in it for the Long Haul
I love running.
I may not be fast, but I enjoy running for long distances and pushing myself physically and especially mentally. As a mom,...
Mother Runner: How I Hit the Roads and Found My Inspiration
My alarm goes off at 4:30am and I leap out of bed. Quietly I pull on my leggings, sports bra, t-shirt, and socks. I peek...
Training with Tots
Towards the end of 2013, I was feeling pretty pleased with myself!
I had spent a good portion of the summer getting into the best...
Making it Work
I am not the most athletic person. I do agree that my past posts on this blog would dispute this, and you may be...
A New Take On Being Thankful
Last weekend I ran 26.2 miles in NYC. This was my third marathon but still a challenge nonetheless. And before you roll your eyes...
Running after having a baby…
I’d like to think that you, gentle readers, follow along in reading all of my blog posts. If so, you’ll recall that in January...