Tag: failure

Teaching Kids How to Deal with Failure and Frustration

From my experience doing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) outreach and teaching kids tinkering, I have found that tinkering is a great way...

Mom Confessions: My Epic Failed Attempt at a Family Holiday Tradition

Five years ago, I had the wonderful idea to create a new family holiday tradition. My idea was pulled from my love affair with...

Moving On: An Open Letter to Myself for When I Feel...

From the exciting moments of being so proud that your heart might explode to feeling like a failure, being a mom can go from...

The Nutcracker Dilemma: Dare to Let Them Dream

"Are you, like, so excited to put your daughters in ballet class?" It's a question I hear more often than I ever expected. If you are reading...

Not Making the Cut

Middle school arrived with a flourish. A new school year, a new and much larger school, new classmates and a whole host of new opportunities,...

A Failure Turns In To A Success

So I had the brilliant idea to do something called the Whole 3o. For any of you not familiar with this, it is a...