Tag: Autism

5 Things Not to Say to Parents of Autistic Children

5 things not to say to parents of autistic children. Author compares these don'ts to things not to say to queer and trans people.

Autism Acceptance is NOT Just for the Month of April

I hope you were able to read my post about Early Autism Diagnosis yesterday. As April winds to a close, I still feel a...

Autism Acceptance Month- Differences and Early Diagnosis

Author’s note-- I use identity-first language (e.g., autistic person) in this blog post as many autistic adults have said they prefer- in lieu of...

An Autism Diagnosis: The Path can be a Lonely One

One of the hardest times for me as a parent was the year that my son was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. It...

Inclusive Halloween: How To Make the Holiday Safe and Accepting

Halloween is a really exciting holiday for kids and adults alike. It can also be a really difficult time for many children due to...

Five Different Adaptive Sports Opportunities in Vermont

Hands down, my favorite thing about living in Vermont is how inclusive of a community we live in. While we are a small state,...

What to Say When Someone Tells You Their Child Is on...

Maybe you have met me, or someone like me. Maybe our kids struck up a game on the playground or more likely started fighting...

Autism, You Are an Invisible Disability but I See You

Autism, you are an invisible disability hidden to the outside world, however so apparent in my day-to-day life.   I was standing outside the Jay...

The Forgotten Moms: Moms of Children with Special Needs

Did you see this post buzzing around Facebook over the summer?  If you are in my age demographic of 30 (cough, cough, 30-something) then you...

The Worst Thing About My Son’s Autism Diagnosis

My son was diagnosed with autism. He was diagnosed the day before his third birthday and with that diagnosis, joined the ranks of millions of...

My Perfect Island of Misfit Toys: Beautiful Non-conformity

Have you ever heard the song "Kooks" by the now late David Bowie? It's the parental anthem of my husband Andy and I. When people...

Moms Who Inspire: Ringing in the New Year with a New...

If someone had told me even just a year ago that I'd be working at a senior living facility that specializes in Alzheimer's and...

Autism Awareness:: Will’s Story

  This is what autism looks like in our house:  A few weeks ago, we ordered a new lunchbox for my son, Will, for the...

Autism Awareness:: Zach’s Story

Our days start early. My husband, David, wakes up at 5:30 am and gets ready for work. Our 14-year old son, Zach, used to...