Kathleen Porter
Living your Life by Putting Down the Camera
Stop right there! Put down the camera. Put down your phone. Put down your iPad. And look at what is in front of you.
Technology truly is a blessing and a curse. :)
The fact that...
Backing up Your Photographs
Happy Valentine's Day!
Since today's photography topic is a bit dry, although HIGHLY important, I wanted to started off by saying how much we love you as our reader! Burlington VT Moms Blog launched last...
Journey to Motherhood: Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
This information that I am going to share with you today deals with a very tough topic: infant loss. Please be prepared that some of the images shared here are of babies that have...
Journey to Motherhood: Maternity Portrait Photography & Birth Day Sessions
In the August 1991 issue of Vanity Fair magazine, Demi Moore graced the cover nude and pregnant. This memorable portrait beautifully broke down the barriers that had women hiding their pregnancies under shape-less clothing. Annie Leibovitz...
Taking a Family Portrait for your Holiday Card
Taking a family portrait is a very rewarding and yet challenging endeavor. The memories may last a lifetime, but at that moment when the kid's are fighting, the baby is crying, the dog isn't...
Your Pictures Used as Holiday Gifts
Happy November! Oh my how time flies. :) Lovely to be writing to you all again. Did anyone have a chance to try out the flash technique I talk about last month? How did...
Using Your Camera Flash
Hello from North Photography! It has been a busy few weeks capturing portraits amongst the beautiful Autumn foliage! It may have been slow to arrive, but it has certainly stuck around! I just love...
Introducing Kathleen! BVTMB Photographer
Once upon a time I daydreamed about a cute old farmhouse, a charming gentleman, and a beautiful life. Before I knew it that daydream became reality and here I am! Drafty old farmhouse and...