Tag: coping with stress

How to Avoid Getting Overwhelmed by Christmas

Are you traumatized by current events? Feel like you and everyone else are wrapped up in it, and yet you cannot find footing? Did you just trip on your rotting jack-o-lantern on the way down your front steps to get the latest 25lbs of gift catalogs in the mail? Don’t get overwhelmed. I’ll help you get through these 2 months of Christmas preparations with advice from someone who has never celebrated Christmas.

Did You Hear the One About… I’m Overwhelmed by My Covid...

There’s an old Yiddish folk tale about a man who is feeling overwhelmed by his home life. As a single mom, I feel overwhelmed...

Taking a COVID Vacation Helped Me Find Perspective

I really needed a COVID vacation. So I took one. When the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order began in Vermont, I had incredible anxiety. COVID-19...