Miriam Levinson Lawrence

Miriam Levinson Lawrence
Miriam Lawrence, NSCA-PT, is a 56-year-old powerlifter, certified personal trainer, and mom of two adult kids. She provides inspiration and info for women who lift—and women who want to start lifting on her blog, That Badass Broad. She is excited to answer all of your questions about health, fitness, and weightlifting!

I’m Exercising but not Losing Weight. What’s Going On?

For our inaugural “Ask an Iron Mama” column, we received a question from a reader who has been strength training and exercising but not losing weight and wonders why. What a great question! Thank you,...

Why Moms Should Lift Weights

When I started to lift weights eight years ago, at age 48, I wasn’t thinking about getting strong, or becoming a competitive athlete, or being a personal trainer, or writing about health and fitness.  I...