My parents have both been blessed with green thumbs that would make Mother Nature herself proud. Throughout my childhood, the two of them maintained a vegetable garden that was approximately one-quarter of an acre in size and provided our...
This is a thing, Baby Led Weaning (BLW) doesn't mean what you might think. Brighter and more European minds have thought this one up, and I won't try to regurgitate all the particulars. For the purpose of this particular post,...
When I was pregnant with our son, I was sick from week six until delivery, nauseous all the time and losing my lunch on the daily. I remember my doctor saying, “Oh, you’ll feel better at 12 weeks,” then,...
Some of you probably love cooking while camping. I mean, this is Vermont, right? I can imagine some of the Vermont diehard campers coming up with meal plans featuring the best of the best. We live in a camping...
1. Sign up to bake a pie for a party. 2. Immediately realize that you have never made a pie before, unless you count the no-bake kind from a box. 3. Mildly freak out. 4. Find every cookbook you own and frantically...
As my son was about to have his second birthday, I had a very difficult task ahead of me. What to provide for daycare-friendly birthday treats?! First, I’ll just say that I incorrectly assumed that in-class treats were not a “thing”...
While I love the holiday season, December is always the busiest month of the year. I really enjoy going to cookie swaps, but they require time and preparation, often when I don't have much spare time. Then I face...
Last week, our family took a little day trip to Shelburne Farms. If you haven’t been, you should definitely get out there. They have tons of hiking and walking trails, a children’s farmyard with lots of animals to see...
{Disclaimer: This is a sponsored blog post; while the views expressed here were genuinely mine, consideration was paid to me by Bays English Muffins to review this product.} While I love to cook, as a mom, some days I just...
Early spring is my favorite time of year for so many reasons. Just when the winter blues have tried to suffocate me, I notice the buds swelling on tree limbs, colors of wildflowers bursting through the snow like a...
There are a lot of special observances in March. I'm not sure exactly who designates some of these celebrations, but there sure are some I can get behind: International Francophonie Day (macarons!), World Sleep Day (I repeat: SLEEP), Sweden's Waffle Day...
Now that print is dead, maple syrup is the best thing to come from trees. With Maple Open House Weekend and the Vermont Maple Festival behind us, my family is on an extreme maple kick. I have to say “extreme”...
I’ll cut to the chase and say the best family-friendly dining tip is to just not do it. I’m kidding… kind of! Dining out was much easier when my family was smaller and I've learned this lesson the hard...
Kombucha is the nectar of the gods, or, at the very least, the gods' favorite fermented tea flavored with fruit. It's delicious. Can you believe me? You can. I might be a weird mix of contradictions. Freshly manicured nails bring me joy,...

In + Around Vermont

The UVM Men’s Soccer National Championship Matters to Vermont Families

Late into the evening on Monday, December 16, I lay in bed while my three kids were asleep, watching the Men’s National Collegiate Soccer...